Thaumatology 101 eBook Niall Teasdale

Thaumatology 101 eBook Niall Teasdale
This is the start of a series. My biggest frustration esp. on the Kindle was trying to make sure I got the series in order - for whatever reason they are showing up in the wrong order so to save you ....Thaumatology 101
Demon's Moon (Thaumatology)
Legacy (Thaumatology)
Dragon's Blood (Thaumatology)
Disturbia (Thaumatology)
Hammer of Witches (Thaumatology)
Eagle's Shadow (Thaumatology)
Ancient (Thaumatology)
Dragonfall (Thaumatology)
The other Side of Hell (Thaumatology)
For whom the Wedding Bells Toll (Thaumatology)
And yes, if you read them out of order, or even read the synopsis of the books there are spoilers that happen.
The author's page on wordpress also lists them in order, to get the last three, you have to read into the comments.

Tags : Thaumatology 101 - Kindle edition by Niall Teasdale. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Thaumatology 101.,ebook,Niall Teasdale,Thaumatology 101,FICTION Fantasy Urban Life,FICTION Fantasy Paranormal
Thaumatology 101 eBook Niall Teasdale Reviews
This review is for the entire series. Don't expect spoilers nor a book report.
The main character development is good. Ceri is the protagonist a brilliant thaumatology student and a grad researcher working for professor Cheryl. Her room mate is a half incumbus named Lily. The author has borrowed very lightly from the particle physics standard model to explain-in very broad stroke thaumatology.
The plots are supernormal incidents tied together by hero's thaumatology work and Julie's work in a club. The author doesn't make the mistake of confabulating demons and the fallen. Some of the character development is a little slow but the often seen sex scenes are missing. Yes there is some sex Ceri is bi and has a werewolf boy friend. She and Lily have a Ds relationship.
Overall interesting and we'll written. There are occasional editing and auto complete errors. I particularly liked "prey" instead of "pray".
So the only downside to this series, which focuses on a pair of technically-bisexual lesbians exploring their sexuality over the course of eight or nine books and a couple dozen varied fantasy scenarios... is all the sex.
That's right, I said it.
Teasdale is an excellent writer with real experience in higher education that writes an intricate, complex setting that feels as real as our own and uses it to launch an adventure story of personal growth and awesome action that cannot be fully described until someone invents an urban-fantasy equivalent term for "swashbuckling". Were there any buckles in here, they would be swashed, and no metaphorical chandelier-bearing rope goes unswung. And between the various increments of awesome there is a fantasy analogue of high-energy physics of all things that could almost be a legit academic lecture series if it weren't imaginary, fit together in a way that, weirdly, makes sense in actual real-world physics plus or minus a particle or two and half an exponent that makes most ostensible "hard sci-fi" stories go crying home to mum.
But apparently, the draw was _supposed_ to be the bondage-based bisexual love heptocahedron, and I'm something like 60% sure the author hadn't actually experienced sex in person until maybe book 5 or so, when it finally occurred to the narrative that no one is getting titillated by simply naming articles of clothing or giving us the Robert Jordan treatment of implied/explicit sexuality.
The big redeeming quality of this series, though, and the reason you're seeing 4 stars and not 3, is that, just when you're chanting to yourself "enough with the Laurell K. Hamilton impression, we get it, you'll have sex with literally anything and we're supposed to approve and whatever, now focus on the 'I'm a living fantasy nuke' aspect for a bit"... it does. There is literally a point where the protagonist says, almost word for word, "Am I a slut? Eh, whatever, enough of this weird obsession with my sex life, time to blow some things up" and she goes off on a tear that completely ignores the smut-book advertising angle for a book and a half or so. It's sort of like if you wrapped an Honor Harrington novel in a paperback copy of Twilight, and then at the end the Nike breaks free of the web of depressing tween romance, blasts the entire Pacific northwest to smithereens with a planet-buster, and then spends another hundred pages shelling the fortifications of every character but Ella's dad, who is busy being proud of his family over a beer on the command deck.
Don't pretend you didn't get any of those references, you've already slipped off the urban fantasy peak (Jim Butcher) and are considering buying a UF book sold by slapping pictures of scantily-clad '90s CGI women on the cover.
My point is, if you're down to UF novels sold by slapping poorly-rendered CGI pinups on the cover, go with this one, it's the best of that particular subgenre, more or less.
I wish I could tell you it gets better with every book but it's all the same.
A good concept and good overall story.
The good
Great fun characters.
Imaginative world.
Good concept of magical creatures.
The bad
Sex is kinda overdone and gets annoying at times
Wish the main character used her new powers more often instead of constantly just using default powers. Example she never uses her collar (book2) to fight only for sex basically. Give a reason why she doesn't and ill be placated
My personal opinions on fixes across the series (spoilers)
Space the sex much farther apart and go into more detail. Ergo 5 to six scenes a book each with a unique twist and male each scene longer. Also by book six she hasn't even tried werepanther transformation for sex let alone werefox for transformation sex.
Secondly add more filler. Give us more of their daily lives and not just the highlights.
Use more of her new powers, not just when the story demands it. Teleport to work into the club's office. Try to mimic succubus powers to become as good as miss number one serving girl. Etc.
My rant is done and yes I know my critique is late for the party. These are my opinions and I won't respond to comments.
This is the start of a series. My biggest frustration esp. on the was trying to make sure I got the series in order - for whatever reason they are showing up in the wrong order so to save you ....
Thaumatology 101
Demon's Moon (Thaumatology)
Legacy (Thaumatology)
Dragon's Blood (Thaumatology)
Disturbia (Thaumatology)
Hammer of Witches (Thaumatology)
Eagle's Shadow (Thaumatology)
Ancient (Thaumatology)
Dragonfall (Thaumatology)
The other Side of Hell (Thaumatology)
For whom the Wedding Bells Toll (Thaumatology)
And yes, if you read them out of order, or even read the synopsis of the books there are spoilers that happen.
The author's page on wordpress also lists them in order, to get the last three, you have to read into the comments.

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